Hello Hello Hello and welcome
My favorite pass time
Hey hey hey there. what's up. just thought I would make a little web page and let you know about a wonderful thing called Virtual Places. Virtual Places is a web based chat program that allows users to take on what ever personality they would like. Me I tend to tend to lean towards body builders and rock stars. Mainly guys like Eddie (the mascot of Iron Maiden), Glan Danzig (who's name I cahnged barely to use a one of my chat names) and of course my favorite band in the whole wide worl DEF LEPPARD where my nick name Thundrgod comes from.
Cool things about Virtual Places
Probalby the best thing about Virtual Places (VP) is a little thing called gestures. Now gestures are wavs that have animation. So you can have everything from Kenny of South Park fame getting blown to bits like always, to nice things like a rose opening up. and who ever you send them to will be able to see the same thing when someone plays it. While me on the other hand I tend to lean toword music ones. Mainly cause I make them and just can't get enough of them.
Lastly about VP
Probalby the other thing about VP that I love is that it gives me the opportunity to take a dull picture and change it into something that will make people go WOW. Now while I"m not the best at it I am improving daily and I am making some good progress. Now the pics that are on the sides are here an example of my work. The ones that say Danzing and Thundr are mine and the ones that say Kizz are the one I did for my girlfriend and Bug is a friend from the West Coast chat room. So if you are ever on VP look me up. The names I use most are Def_Fan, Danzing, and _Thundr_ .

Hope to see you there

Favourite links

Thundr's Music Gestures
This is my music gesture site for VP. I made them all myself and am continually updating

Email me at:
[email protected]

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